please donate

We are an all-volunteer chapter of the National Audubon Society. Some chapters have paid staff; we do not. We can’t depend on running our chapter only on unpaid labor. We must pay outside suppliers, like our newsletter printer, our web host and landscapers to remove poison ivy in the Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden, among other expenses.

We are lucky that Westchester County provides us with a home base at Lenoir. The Lenoir’s staff, curator, Julia Snook, and naturalist, Uri Sadeg, are most helpful. We are grateful for this public-private partnership.

Northern Flicker by Cheryl Henley/Audubon Photography Awards

There are two ways to make a donation:

  • Through PayPal by credit card

  • Sending a check, payable to Hudson River Audubon Society; mail to the same at PO Box 616, Yonkers, NY 10703.

Contributors of $30 or more automatically become chapter members. Many of us are both chapter and National Audubon Society members. The advantages /disadvantages of being both are in Membership.

Hudson River Audubon Society is a 501(C)3 organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent of the law.